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They fought back

By Melissa Meehan“IT WAS the fire we knew we were going to have – we just didn’t know when.” Years before the fires that devastated...

The day Elaine left, and lived

ElAINE Postlethwaite’s escape from Marysville is well documented - her story has attracted widespread media interest - and with good reason. From her sister’s home...

Radio draws stories together

By Kath GannawayABC Radio kept Victoria informed about the bushfire threat over the past two weeks and, in the Yarra Valley this week, it...

Bushfire dogs reunited

By Kath GannawayTHERE’S raw emotion in Dale Schwab’s eyes as he cradles Rosie’s sad face in his hands. “I’m so sorry I had to leave...


POLICE have charged a man after a suspicious fire in Alexandra. Emergency services and police were called to a block of units in Cost...

Post-fire plan for business

By Kath GannawayBUSINESS recovery will be part of an overall strategy to get Yarra Ranges back on its feet following the devastating February bushfires. At...

Mobile mourned

By Monique EbringtonHEALESVILLE and Chum Creek have lost an iconic member of the community to the Black Saturday fires. While the cream 1953 53/215 FX...

Crowds in the know

By Kath GannawayAhead of what police and CFA representatives at the Fire Incident Control Centre in Woori Yallock predicted as a hot and windy...

Too close for Toolangi

By Kath GannawayTOOLANGI, by the narrowest of margins, has survived the Black Saturday bushfires as a green oasis in the mountains. It did not escape...

Hobby to business

Terry Smith’s Lilydale Trailer Spares has all your trailer maintenance needs.By Casey NeillTERRY Smith has been building and servicing trailers for more than 45...

House of learning

Rediscover the joy of learning at the Upper Yarra Community House. By Monique EbringtonTHE Upper Yarra Community House, like TAFE or university, also offers...

Threat hits home

By Kath GannawayUPPER YARRA residents were given a blunt reality check on Thursday night. At an emotion-charged meeting at Warburton, CFA and police gave graphic...


Two offenders charged for speeding in the Yarra Ranges area

A report by the Yarra Ranges Eyewatch Facebook page shows police were busy last weekend. A 39-rear-old Seville man was detected exceeding the speed limit...