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US fire crewfinds sanctuary

John Schmechel from Sonora, California, Ross Pekinpah from North Fork, California, Megan Timoney from Eden, Utah, Eric Heyn (back) from Eureka, Montana, Jay Esperance...

Model visitors

Waiting out fire danger

By Monique EbringtonMANY Upper Yarra residents packed up what they could and took refuge at Lilydale last week as fire again threatened...

It’s all in the valley

By Kath Gannaway“IT’S years since I’ve been to…Warburton…Healesville…Yarra Glen!!!” This isn’t your international, interstate, or even bayside tourist speaking – it’s the locals, as we...

Top award for De Bortoli

By Kath GannawayDE BORTOLI Wines in Dixons Creek have won the Best Tourism Winery award at the Australian National Tourism Awards. The award at any...

New stage in hall’s life

HEALESVILLE’S Memorial Hall has played a serious role over the past month as the Bushfire Relief Centre. It’s played the role superbly, but Shire of...

Charity auction at Wattleseed

RICK and Judy Morgan are opening the doors of their Wattleseed Cafe/Restaurant in Healesville on Monday for a Grand Charity Bash to support local...

Concern for mystery fire victim

A CALL to a car crash on the Black Spur is nothing new to SES volunteers Geoff Wilkinson and Ken Breasley, but one call,...

Melissa mourned

By Kath GannawayMELISSA Neylon was apprehensive about starting university, but looking forward at the same time to the exciting new opportunities it promised. Those opportunities...

Marooned by road closure

By Kath GannawayNARBETHONG residents marooned for the past month are counting on their lifeline over the Black Spur being re-opened this week. The Maroondah Highway...

History in pictures

By Kath GannawayUPPER Yarra historian Val Smith knows her audience. Launching two pictorial books Upper Yarra Time Line and Along the Warburton Highway - Past...

Appeal seeks

Healesville resident Melissa Green By Monique Ebrington HEALESVILLE resident Melissa Green won’t wait for a funeral to spur change to a dangerous intersection. Ms Green often...


Mountain bike rider rescued from unofficial tracks in Wesburn

Upper Yarra SES helped Ambulance Victoria retrieve a patient from Wesburn on 8 March. The patient crashed while mountain biking on track off Hey Hey...