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Bushfire memories bite deep

SIX weeks after Black Saturday the pain of losing 15 homes on his patch, in spite of what by any account was a super-human...

Time for thanks

By Monique EbringtonEMERGENCY Service workers have been labelled the heroes of the February bushfires, however there have also been many incidents of individual heroism. Granton...

Hit the library these holidays

NO SHOOSHING in the libraries over the school holidays! At Yarra Junction and Healesville there will be plenty of activity and, no doubt, lots of...

Plea for pals

By Monique EbringtonBADGER Creek wildlife carer Josh Klein has been inundated with animals since the Black Saturday bushfires. Ms Klein is currently caring for more...

Fire hearings

By Kath GannawayA LACK of communication and restrictions on vegetation clearance were prominent issues raised at the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Community Consultation held...

Stories from a black day- Katrina Van de Linde and Rosie Morris found a...

By Kath GannawayWHEN the Dixons Creek community came together at the town’s reserve on Sunday 22 March for the first time since 7 February,...

Fire workers thanked

RSL president Arthur Ford (right) presented certificates of appreciation to organisations By Kath GannawayVOLUNTEERS involved in the February bushfires ditched their work-gear recently and...

Pollution follows fires

Joseph Maurovic has started emptying two million litres of contaminated water from his farm dam but says help is needed for people with erosion...

Getting all cranked up

By Monique EbringtonWHILE petrol-heads were fuming around Albert Park at the Grand Prix on Sunday, another group of enthusiasts were getting all steamed up...

Show helps ease pain

By Monique EbringtonHEALESVILLE’S Three Stories Artspace has taken the horror of Black Saturday and turned it into art. The gallery has put on display objects...

Locals miss out

By Kath GannawayYARRA Valley contractors who say they have been left out of the bushfire reconstruction loop may soon be able to get the...

A blessed event for Warburton

By Monique EbringtonWARBURTON’S Harmony Festival came to a colourful end last Sunday after five days of celebrating harmony through community and the arts. The festival...


Mountain bike rider rescued from unofficial tracks in Wesburn

Upper Yarra SES helped Ambulance Victoria retrieve a patient from Wesburn on 8 March. The patient crashed while mountain biking on track off Hey Hey...