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Plants from the ashes

By Monique EbringtonSTEELS Creek Garden Club is calling on green thumbs, and anyone with a garden, to donate plant cuttings and pots. Steels Creek Garden...

Festival of life

A FESTIVAL at Buxton Recreation Reserve on Easter Monday from 10am to 5pm is aimed at bringing fun into the lives of local communities,...

Putting history on the books

MARYSVILLE and Kinglake have been included in grants to support local history projects. The Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House for Kinglake Historical Society received a grant...

Community say in recovery

Mandy Black is working with local community groups on events following the bushfires.By Kath GannawayLOCAL community organisations are part of a committee that will...

Brewery hops out of the hat

By Kath GannawayTHE White Rabbit Brewery is new on the Healesville business scene, but already it has made a significant impact. The brewery, which makes...

Bumper battle

By Kath GannawayA GROUP that accuses the State Government of pandering to the “green movement” launched a bumper sticker campaign on Saturday aimed at...

Auction boosts bushfire appeal

By Lia BichelA SURVIVOR of Black Saturday has made a purchase that will inevitably help others affected by the Victoria bushfires. Former Kinglake West resident,...

Centre cooks up bushfire help

Healesville Living and Learning Centre’s Hannah Sky and community kitchen volunteer and teacher Yvonne Clarke.HEALESVILLE’S community kitchen organisers are opening their oven and pantry...

Heroes’ welcome

Louis Bell, James Guillot and Gareth Hart are thanked by Tom and Grace Walker for their efforts in helping the Walkers save their Chum...

Ten top ideas for holiday fun

1. Festival fun: The Newlife Festival will be held at the Buxton Recreation Reserve on Monday, 13 April. Meet Max and Millie, there are...

Stay safe on road

THE Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce is urging Victorians not to take chances with unsafe cars this Easter. “According to our figures, a third of...

Eggs aplenty in E. Bunny’s drive

THE Easter Bunny has over-ordered 5000 chocolate Easter eggs, and that’s good news for Yarra Valley families over Easter. Mr E. Bunny has announced he...


Mountain bike rider rescued from unofficial tracks in Wesburn

Upper Yarra SES helped Ambulance Victoria retrieve a patient from Wesburn on 8 March. The patient crashed while mountain biking on track off Hey Hey...