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Shire expo to help with building new foundations

THE Shire of Yarra Ranges is hosting a Rebuild Regenerate Renew Expo to assist residents rebuilding after the February bushfires, and those considering renovations. The...

Fire damages centre

By Kath GannawayA FIRE last week caused $500,000 damage to the visitor centre at Lake Mountain Alpine Resort. The fire, which started at around 4.45pm...

Refuges plan

By Kath GannawayANNOUNCEMENTS by the State Government last week support the reinstatement of defined fire refuges and fire sirens in some towns in consultation...

A backward step forward

By Kath GannawayIT WAS meant as a “welcome” sign to HEALESVILLE … but it seems someone wanted even those visitors leaving the town to...

Charlie’s flick makes the cut

By Monique EbringtonSHORT films bought big opportunities for aspiring directors at this year’s Show Us Your Shorts short film competition as part of the...

Late surge by Emerald

By Bill KuysEMERALD headed to Yarra Glen in wet conditions for its second away game of the season. In the first quarter neither team gained...

Keeping home fires burning

Angus Neppessen and Anna Rispoli-Yovanovic will be delivering firewood to Kinglake residents this Friday. 33026By Monique EbringtonRESIDENTS from across the Valley can chip in...

Historian with a great past

PEOPLE who knew Eric Tetlow – and there were many – were aware of his passion for everything historical. Since he and his wife, Jenny,...

Where’s the water?

JUNE was dry according to both Warburton rainfall recorder Keith Thomas and his Healesville counterpart Alma Mitchell. In Warburton Mr Thomas recorded only 65.5mm, just...

HACC cash row

By Tania MartinA CALL for extra cash for Home and Community Care (HACC) across the region has ended in a political stoush. It follows the...

Healesville community banks on future

- Kath GannawayHEALESVILLE has taken the first steps towards establishing its own community-owned bank. A steering committee will be formed this week following two informal...


HEALESVILLE Primary School students Caitlin and Taylah will have a very special stake in protecting Healesville’s platypus population. The girls were among Grade 3...


Music, Comedy shows coming

Burrinja Theatre Ross Wilson and The Peaceniks Ross Wilson is hitting the road with his all-star band The Peaceniks to celebrate “50 Year of Hits” including...