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No doctor for Yarra Glen

By Kath GannawayJust two months after signing on to provide a GP service at Cameron House Clinic in Yarra Glen, the Yarra Junction Medical...

Kinder praised for healthy choices

Upper Yarra Children’s Centre manager Jenny Hollinger, Early Childhood state co-ordinator for Kids — Go for your Life Creina Porter and Shire of Yarra...

Dance floor in a whirl

HURRICANE DUO, Frank Powell and Aimee Smith, return to the Healesville RSL later this month. Hurricane Duo are regulars at the club where their repertoire...

Awards for fire heroes

Yarra Junction Sergeant Kevin Largue accepted the Bushfire Effort Recognition Award on behalf of the Yarra Junction police members. Yarra Glen Senior Sergeant Bob...

Monthly market off and racing

By Kath GannawayTHE relocation of Craft Markets Australia’s monthly market to Healesville has been hailed as an outstanding success. Close to 300 stallholders catered for...

A smile and a quick wit

Tribute by friend and neighbour Margaret Monk A SWEET nature and a happy disposition made Mary Lawrence a much-loved Yarra Glen identity. She had a...

In the line of fire

By Kath GannawayPREPARE and prepare now, is the message Yarra Valley residents can take from a Department of Sustainability and Environment report on predictions...

Learn to live and let live

By Kath GannawayAN EXCITING body image program developed at Healesville Living and Learning Centre has been made available to schools and community groups through...

Woodn’t it be lovely

Yarra Junction resident Anna Rispoli-Yovanovic was pleased by the number of people who joined her in donating firewood to Kinglake in July.By Simone HareA...

Rebuilding lives

By Kath GannawayULTIMATELY Chum Creek couple Steve and Sally Pierre-Humbert will have the home they always wanted. That’s one of several positives they are...

Boat sails away

By Kath GannawayTHE owner of a boat and trailer stolen from Maroondah Highway in Healesville in June is calling on the public to help...

Back to the fire frontline

By Kath GannawayFOR THE wives, partners and families of Yarra Glen CFA members, Zonzo’s and Train Trak have become part of the vocabulary when...


Music, Comedy shows coming

Burrinja Theatre Ross Wilson and The Peaceniks Ross Wilson is hitting the road with his all-star band The Peaceniks to celebrate “50 Year of Hits” including...