Tag: News
Vile vandals hit
By Kath GannawayCOMMITTEE members of the Badger Creek Old School Building were left to clean up a vile mess left by vandals last week.
Ready to stick it to that magpie…
“I WAS telling myself to hurry as my friend was waiting at the corner shop, when thud!…out of the blue I was thumped...
Wineries win a haul of medals
YARRA Valley’s reputation as a top wine and food region was further enhanced last week.
Punt Road Wines and Long Gully Estate received gold medals...
Festival for fire fighters
By Kath GannawayTHE success of The Smaller Wineries Shortest Lunch held in June has been shared between two local fire brigades.
“We decided that a...
Spring racing? Go local
By Kath GannawayFORGET the rush and crush of Flemington – when it comes to Spring Racing, it’s all happening right here in the Yarra...
Rain brings cricket drought
By Keith Thompson, YVCA SecretaryTHE much-needed and welcome rain in the Yarra Valley area may be well needed and appreciated by most if not...
Get ready for the show
WITH the Lilydale Show just weeks away on 21 and 22 November, it’s full steam ahead with plans for some new and exciting events.
Mature voice speaks
By Kath GannawayHEALESVILLE’S Memorial Hall was a sea of red hats (outrageous!) as more than 160 women, and a few men, took the opportunity...
Open forum brings fire week to an end
By Monique EbringtonMORE than 200 Upper Yarra residents filed into the Warburton Mechanic’s Institute Hall last Sunday, 18 October, for a community bushfire forum.
Rotary race goes full circuit
From left: Robert Chippindall, David Jurss (rider), Geoff Kennedy, Kaye Jurss, Karen Brown, Robert Gwyne, Jean Shore, Tony Carauana, Cheryl Chippindall, Bill Shore...
Centre thrives
SINCE changing hands six months ago Steel Street Children’s Centre has welcomed many new families and is now a bustling hive of activity.
The centre...
Partnership for childhood
By Kath GannawayPARENTING is a challenging task.
“The ways of the past often seem inadequate in dealing with the children of today, and there...