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Summer of art

THE annual Summer School of Music and Art is synonymous with summer holidays in Healesville. This year will be the 14th season the Yarra Valley...

HEAR gears up for fight

HEAR members Ian Lawther and Pam Krstic want answers. They, along with a member who cannot be identified for legal reasons, handed an open...

Drugs new high

By Tania MartinDRUG crimes in the Yarra Ranges have spiked by more than 25 per cent in the past 12 months. But police District Inspector...

Devil’s health in the detail

HEALESVILLE Sanctuary’s threatened species staff dared to put their hands in the mouth of nine Tasmanian devils last Wednesday, 2 December. The examination was part...

Get lost at Hedgend

HEDGEND Maze in Healesville launched its Sundown Screenings program of outdoor films on 27 November, taking fun to a whole new level at the...

Black day

By Kath GannawayRETELLING the story of Black Saturday was a daunting task for Lilydale’s Glenvale School community, but they achieved it beyond all expectations...

School sites silent as cash dries up

By Kath GannawayBUILDING on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s education revolution has come to a grinding halt in the Yarra Valley. Contractors downed tools last...

Premier visits blaze breaks

PREMIER John Brumby and Water Minister Tim Holding outlined measures taken to protect water catchment during a visit to Healesville. Mr Brumby inspected fuel breaks...

Call for safer places

By Tania MartinHILLS residents last week renewed calls for action to establish Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSPs), fearing the leave early bush fire policy was...

CFA’s eye on heat

By Monique EbringtonHEALESVILLE Masonic Lodge snapped into action when they heard that Healesville Fire Brigade needed a thermal imaging camera. David Wells, the Master of...

Last hurdle

By Kath GannawayTHE announcement by Racing Victoria last week that jumps racing would be banned from 2011 will have little direct negative impact on...

Plan for the worst

By Kath GannawayPLAN for the worst, and hope it never happens should be written in huge letters across the doorway to Yarra Ranges Council’s...


Journalism integrity under threat from easily formed ‘news websites’

Revelations that a digital news publication might have affiliate links with Climate 200 has brought about a reminder of the necessity of truly independent...