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Sharing the safety

The government is urging drivers and cyclists to share road safety.By Mara Pattison-SowdenBIKE riders and drivers are being urged to share the road safely...

Millions down pokies drain

By MaraPattison-SowdenYARRA Ranges residents have gambled away $13 million on the pokies in the first six months of this financial year. With eight venues across...

Medals for brave cops

By Danielle GalvinA POLICE officer who drove through thick smoke past burning houses to rescue an elderly disabled woman from her Steel's Creek home...

Medals for bravery

By Danielle GalvinTHREE senior police officers have received bravery awards three years after their efforts in Marysville on Black Saturday. Leading Senior Constable Kenneth Dwight...

Tickets to the expo

The country lifestyle comes to life at the Seymour Expo.THE Seymour Alternative Farming Expo turns 21 this year and the Mail and show organisers...

Coffee maker’s caffeine is a hit

Wayne Silva watches the freshly roasted beans after they turn from their raw, olive-green colour to a dark brown.By Mara Pattison-SowdenGOOD coffee is making...

Boris is student art paper prince

Mikhaela created her man-sized puppet Boris Jenkins from ecycled materials and a bit of inspiration.By Mara Pattison-SowdenMEET Boris Jenkins. He was a creation for Mikhaela...

Pygmies chip in

Helping to fight extinction of Mt Buller's Mountain pygmy possums, from left, vet Phillipa Mason, keeper Tammika McIvor, vet nurse Kim Hollis and keeper...

Life scars of war suffering

Dagmar Limp speaks to her audience at the Good Food Room in Warburton with interviewer and Upper Yarra U3A member Alison O'Brien.By Mara Pattison-SowdenTHE...

In harmony with nature

Anita Holman will take children on a magical nature walk during the Harmony Festival, with Ned, Matilda, Safin, Tali, Osha, Jayda and Hamish.CHILDREN are...

Logging flow-on threat

By Kath GannawayTHE stakes for the future of logging in Central Highlands were made very clear in the Supreme Court last week when VicForests'...

Funds are a go for Stop

NEW funding for touring performances will bring some top shows to the Yarra Ranges' arts centres. The Red Stitch Actors Theatre received $25,000 to take...


Neighbourhood watch launches new vehicle security quiz to combat rising theft

In response to growing concerns about vehicle theft and items being stolen from vehicles across Victoria, Neighbourhood Watch, supported by RACV, has launched How...