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Tip fees rise

By Kath GannawayYARRA Ranges Council is talking up privatisation of their Coldstream, Wesburn and Healesville landfill centres which will have residents paying more to...

Birthday sizzle for bank big bash day

Left: H&DCEL chairman Gary Slater was joined by the popular Bendigo Bank mascot at the sponsorship presentation to Healesville Music Festival representatives Tom Kelly...

Spray of hope

By Mara Pattison-SowdenA COMMUNITY group that formed to combat graffiti overtaking Woori Yallock celebrated a major milestone last week with the dedication of its...

Possum’s best mate

By Kath GannawayAs someone who has made the bus and train trip into Melbourne's Supreme Court for every sitting of what he says is...

Inquest denied

By Kath GannawayTHERE will be no inquest into the death two years ago of Healesville Police Sergeant Tony van Gorp. Sgt van Gorp, 47, was...

Logging gets its day in court

By Kath GannawayTHE future of three Toolangi logging coupes – and arguably the Leadbeater's Possum – will rest with Supreme Court Judge Robert Osborne...

Call to buy up land in town centre

By Kath GannawayTHE Healesville Action Group (HAG) is calling on Yarra Ranges Council to buy a “green” in the centre of town to save...

Out of the box

Violinist and composer Alies Sluiter forms a quarter of the Picture Box Orchestra.COMBINING Classical Indian techniques with jazz, gypsy and Western classical influence, the...

House shows secret self

Sally Brennan speaks with youth worker Amara Trimmer, one of more than 160 staff employed at UYCH.UPPER Yarra Community House has been a vibrant...

United voice

Japara's Marg Fennell, front, holds the memorandum of understanding signed bycommunity house representatives, middle, Chirnside Park's Rhonda Knight, Olinda's Bruce Turnbull, Ciska Van Spankeren...

Chief to stay on

By Mara Pattison-SowdenGLENN Patterson has been asked to stay on as the Yarra Ranges Council chief executive officer. The decision was made at last week's...

Tony’s truth unheard

By Kath GannawayTHE two people closest to Tony van Gorp, his partner Gayle Shelley, and his brother Fred van Gorp, have maintained a dignified...


Yarra Ranges’ ballot drawn, council elections soon to be underway

The ballot has been drawn for the Yarra Ranges’ upcoming council elections, with changes potentially afoot with a number of new candidates vying for...

Two trucks collided