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Domestic violence victims resorting to levy-hit short-stay accommodation for safety

Reporting from the Herald Sun has revealed that domestic violence victims are being inadvertently hit with the Victorian Government’s short-stay levy as they use...

Another Seville road subject to corrugation complaints

The ripples of the Roads for Community funding being ripped away continue to be felt in the Yarra Ranges, with another resident dismayed at...

Delays and drama as Wildlife Victoria comes under fire

Animal rescue groups and the chief animal rescue authority in Victoria are at odds, with delays blowing out and leaving injured animals without quick...

AFP targeting romance scammers this Valentine’s Day

The Australian Federal Police are flipping the script on romance scammers this Valentine's Day by revealing real-life dialogue used to target the bank accounts...

Healesville Sanctuary celebrated International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Healesville Sanctuary welcomed five girls who came to visit to learn about opportunities for women at the zoo. This year marked the 10th anniversary...

Community panel secured, set to inform stormwater decisions

The Stormwater Community Reference Panel (SCRP) was formed without opposition at the Yarra Ranges Council meeting on Tuesday, with all applicants securing a seat...

Ambulances still not hitting 15 minute response target in Yarra Ranges

Ambulance Victoria’s quarterly data shows response times to Code 1 callouts in the Yarra Ranges have increased to an average of 17 minutes and...

VCAT rules electroconvulsive therapy patient had the right to say no to treatment

VCAT has made a decision in favour of a patient subjected to compulsory electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), with Senior Member G. Nihill not satisfied that...

Animal Aid welcomes the launch of Victoria’s Cat Management Strategy

The Victorian Government’s 10-year Cat Management Strategy was launched at the end of January, marking the first time a statewide approach to monitoring our...

Warburton Water World closed due to Extreme fire danger rating

Due to the Extreme Fire Danger rating for Thursday 13 February, Yarra Ranges Council has announced that the Warburton Water World and the...

Upper Yarra Community Enterprise fire policy closure in action

Bendigo Bank customers are to please be advised that with an Extreme Weather Warning declared for Thursday 13 February the Warburton Branch will be...

Hive mind: vital survey to map the buzz on deadly mite

Community gardens, hobbyists and commercial beekeepers are being urged to join a national survey to protect honey bees from a deadly mite. Project manager Michael...


$10,000 scholarship for Victorian Musicians in Need

The Rotary Club of Melbourne has launched the Rotary Victorian Music Scholarship, a new initiative designed to support Victoria’s most promising emerging musicians. With...