What a week for Yarra Junction bowlers

Victorious Yarra Junction bowlers are on their way to a Grand Final. (Supplied)

By Elly Byrne

With the battle for a finals spot continuing, the first challenge for the Eagles was to get a home win against Healesville, a must-win game. Coming out strong in the first half set the pace for the game and a comfortable lead at halftime of 24 shots was encouraging. Healesville lifted after the break with some great bowling to take a rink win but with the overall score at 77:53 and a few ends to play a win for Healesville was unattainable. The Eagles qualify for prelim finals. One step closer to the real finals spot. The next challenge will be against Croydon at Croydon with the winner being a grand finalist. One more game to go.

The weekend team finally got to play their delayed semifinal game on home ground against Mooroolbark. Having been first on the ladder for most of the season hopes were high that the Eagles’ running streak continued. The Eagles were slower than usual off the starting block at home and had to fight hard to stay in contention with a Mooroolbark. Having beaten Mooroolbark twice during the season this game was a tougher opposition. All rinks battled well but Mooroolbark gained control by the last two ends for the win by 10 points. A disappointing result after a hot day’s work.

Again due to the delays previously this meant Junction now had to play their preliminary final on the next day Sunday. With the weather a bit cooler and more determined after Saturday’s loss, it was game on against Heathmont. The Eagles came out firing from the start and carried the momentum right throughout the game. There was some great bowling all-round by both teams and lots of tense ends, but the Eagles prevailed and soared into the grand final and secured promotion for next year with an 84:65 win. Roll on next Saturday for another bout against Mooroolbark at a venue yet to be advised.

The Happy Club hopes to be dancing next week.