Ron Hottes
This week saw to a series of rough conditions at the Warburton Golf Course but keen golfers weren’t to be dissuaded.
Wed, August 28, Stableford:
NTPS: Ron Hottes (3rd and 9th), Michael Grand-Court (5th) and Mario De Vincentis (12th).
Winner: Ron (33 points).
On a day where strong winds played havoc with golf scores, the winning results showed how tough the conditions were!
Ron-Wilson handled the gale best, returning a creditable 33 points. Good work, Ron. Tex Van Der Kooi was the daily R/up with 32 points. Because of these moderate results, the ball rundown reached as far down to 30!! Only 4 NTP’s were won, because the 15th was too much of a challenge for the whole field.
The other 4 NTPs went to Your Loyal Scribe,( 3rd & 9th—what again!!), new member, Michael Grand-Court, (5th) and to Mario De Vincentis, (12th).
Saturday, August 31, Stableford:
NTPS: (Troy Murphy (3rd), Jason-Kennedy (5th), Peter-Fox, (9th), David-Wappett (12th) and Steuart-Hawke (15th).
Winner: Bruno (back nine).
The last day of Winter was certainly “wintery”! The tough conditions once again tested even the best golfers! Blustery, gale-force winds and squally showers kept the whole field “honest”!
Two members who posted very honest results were Sean-Kennedy & Andrew-McMath, both with 37 points. But, Bruno won the day with a superior back nine, to take home the top voucher! Well done to both of you though, for excellent results!
The balls extended down to 32, which pleased Your Loyal Scribe. NTP winners on the day were as follows: Troy-Murphy, (3rd), Jason-Kennedy, (5th), Peter-Fox, (9th), David-Wappett, (12th) and Steuart-Hawke, (15th).
The V.V.V’S: no comp. As only 4 played.