Winter weather sets in for Warburton golfers

Warburton Golf Club results. Picture: ON FILE

By Ron Hottes

The V.V.V’s:

Again, there was a big enough group of starters for an official comp. So well done, Ladies. The leading Lady on this day was ‘The Commissioner’ Merilyn McDonald, who racked up 16 fine points to claim a clear win. M.M. holed 4 gigantic putts, 3 of which were ‘gobblers’ ( For the uninitiated, the girls refer to putts that drop, that were off the green to start, as absolute ‘gobblers’ ). The newly-emerging star Maureen Hyndman, took home the runner-up prize by posting a solid 14 points. Dear readers, there as an NTP as star Georgie Houniett grabbed one for a superb tee-shot on the 3rd. No ball rundown was required.

Wednesday 26 June, Stableford:

Ahealthy mid-Winter field of 40+ battled the course, when it’s at its most challenging. Also battling inclement weather (frequent showers), the most successful battler was Desmond Ray who returned an impressive 36-point result. Des was very consistent scoring 17 points on the front nine, and an excellent 19 points coming home. The daily runner-up was Laurie Doyle and his 35 point result saw him just miss out on the top prize. The balls reached 34 only. There was a most unusual occurrence in the NTP payouts. This rarely happens, but Paul Kennedy took home the 3rd, 5th and 12th NTPs. This has not happened for many years, so genuine congrats to you, P.K. for some fine shooting. The only other two prizes were won by Laurie Doyle (9th) and Rob Ferguson (15th).

Saturday 29 June, Stableford:

With plenty of precipitation on this day, not even true wet-weather golfers had a desire to participate. Congrats to Troy and Ben for actually completing their rounds, but clearly there was no comp on this day when only two in the field finish.