Stableford returns at Warburton Golf Club

Warburton Golf Club results. Picture: ON FILE

By Ron Hottes

The V.V.V’s:

With more than enough ladies playing, the comps leading scorer again was Georgie Houniet who returned a solid 16 points for the back-nine. Georgie is in fine form, so watch out, K.B. This day’s runner-up was Merilyn McDonald, with a none-too-shabby 15 points. The ever-improving Vicki Hottes came third with 14 hard-earned points. There were no NTP winners, as expected, on the challenging 12th and 15th Par 3’s. No ball rundown was required.

Wednesday 22 May, Par:

Par comp always sorts out the chaff from the fodder. Today’s fodder was clearly old mate Darryl Ward, posting a creditable +1, in chilly and damp conditions ( Take note, James). Darryl only won narrowly because Glenn-Forbes finished square. This meant in a field of nearly 40, only the popular winner beat his handicap, Well done, Darryl. Surprisingly, due to a spate of -1’s, the ball rundown only reached that number. The NTPs were taken home by the following: Alan ‘Gummy Knee’ Johnston, (3rd), David Hatt, (5th and 12th, good shooting Hatty) and finally to the weekly winner, Mr. Ward on the ever-challenging 15th.

Saturday 25 May, Stableford:

Back to the popular Stableford scoring system, you knew that some impressive scores would be posted. Clearly, the most impressive score returned on this day, was owned by Tim Jones, with a truly impressive 38 points. This meant that Tim took home the B-Grade voucher. But there’s more to the Tim Jones’ story… capping off a truly impressive day, Tim also grabbed the NTP available on the 3rd with a very accurate tee shot. Great day for you, T.J. The B-Grade runner-up was young tyro, Pacey Luttgens recording a 38-point round also, meaning that Tim won that grade on a countback ( Mother will be pleased, Pacey). Pacey also added the NTP on the 12th to his winnings.

In the top Grade, the prize went to Paul ‘Ossie’ Osbourne. Ossie took home the top voucher by recording a 37-point result. This only just qualified, as Jason ‘Kenno’ Kennedy matched Ossie’s 37-point round, but his back nine couldn’t better Ossies. In this Grade, balls reached down to 33 only, but in B-Grade, they reached 31. The other NTP successes were achieved by President Meredith (and Bagel) on the tough 5th, by Troy Murphy, (9th) and finally, by Dale Horrobin (15th).