Slim pickings for top scores at Warburton Golf Club

Warburton Golf Club results. Picture: ON FILE

By Ron Hottes

The V.V.V’s:

Although there was no comp this week, of those Ladies who played, Georgie Houniet recorded the best score, with 17 points. Well done, Saffron Lady.!

Wednesday 15 May, Stableford:

On a lovely weather day, there were surprisingly moderate results recorded. The best score posted on the day was from David Waterman, with a solid 35 points. This is David’s first win in a while, so well done to him. The runner-up, on a tight countback, and taking home the runner-up prize, was Trevor Porter. Trev posted a 34-point score. Balls only extended to 33. The NTP winners on this day were Ron Wilson, who snared both the 3rd and the 15th. Good shooting, Ron. Paul Kennedy picked up an NTP on the 5th. Your Loyal Scribe on the 9th, and finally, The Skipper, Ray Gilmore on the ever-challenging 12th.

Saturday 18 May, Person Ambrose:

This was another ‘Back-to-Warburton’ day, but disappointingly, results were not available when this report was being prepared. Hopefully, results will be included in next week’s edition.