Horse Talk

Be mindful of the impact of hot weather on horses. Picture: SUPPLIED

By Anita Prowse

Hope everyone stayed cool over the weekend, the warmer temperatures give us a chance to discuss heat and riding, floating and paddock or stabling requirements during hotter days.

Most Associations do have Animal Welfare clauses that say no activities when 35 degrees Celsius or above, however, some do not. It’s a topic that has sparked some debate, but let’s keep it very simple, just because the show or event is running, does not mean you have to attend.

If you are concerned about your horses’ welfare on a hotter day, simply do not attend. We also need to consider heat in the float or truck and try to leave transporting to the absolute minimum and of course, choose times of the day that are most suitable.

UYPC have started 2024’s Riders Without Horses memberships again, an awesome fun way to learn about our furry friends and enjoy the healing cuddles only they can provide. The good news for this year is that we can now offer this program to ALL ages, not the cut off at 17 as was the original format, so absolutely everyone can have a go. Anyone interested in more information, please call UYPC on 0409 953 345.