By Anita Prowse
Upper Yarra Pony Club have a number of Freshmans Show-jumping days coming up at Wesburn Park.
These are open to anyone to attend and are an excellent training tool for riding a full round, which we quite often don’t have the facilities to do at home.
Horses are restricted to a MAXIMUM of 5 rounds per day.
All open riders must sign a Liability Waiver, and pay the fee required, as per Insurer’s cover requirements.
Heights start at 45cms, and increase during the day. Spectators are welcome and canteen is running for snacks and refreshments.
The money taken from these days is put in our Grounds Account to raise funds for works, in particular, our cross-country fences which are well overdue for an upgrade.
As the general public also use these facilities, supporting days like this are always important.
Even if you aren’t riding, our canteen can also be supported.
As always, any enquiries to anita.horses@gmail.com or 0409953345.
Dates are as follows –
Saturday September 9th
Saturday October 14th
Saturday November 4th
See you there and Happy Riding!