Adverse weather thins the competition at Warburton Golf Club

The Warburton Golf Club will be hoping to return to drier conditions soon. Picture: ON FILE

By Ron Hottes

Wednesday 5 July, Stableford:

Carts are now not allowed on the course at damp and slippery Warburton. The course is known for its drying ability, but like last year’s big wet winter, the constant drizzly conditions have finally caught up. Most other neighbouring Clubs have had cart bans for some weeks now.

It is not an issue for our intrepid walkers, although even they need to be careful when walking down some fairways, ( don’t they, Henk!). With reference to the daily results for this mid-week comp, those challenging conditions proved too difficult for much of the field, but not for Glenn Forbes. Glenn posted a fine 38 points to take home the top gong. K.B. ( alias Ken-Barratt), was this week’s runner-up with a healthy 35 points ( Take note, Sue: bragging rights!) Of course, balls reached 31. The other winners, for NTP prizes, were as follows: Hatty (3rd), Dale Horrobin (5th), Stuart Patrick (9th), Glenn Forbes, (12th) and to Matt Maloney (15th).

Saturday 8 July, Stableford:

The field of under 20, reflected the tough conditions that many of the club’s members faced. Some chose to have the day off, and of course, those who rely on carts,( and there are plenty of them), had no choice. Of those who did partake, Peter ‘Mr. Consistent’ Whitehead, took home the chokkies. His 35 points were easily good enough to win, by 2 points, in fact. Joshua Hin took home the runner-up voucher with 33 points. Good enough, Josh. No surprise then that you can claim a ball if you posted a 30-pointer or better. The NTPs went home with Andy Lockey (both the 3rd and the 9th—not a great final score, Andy, but just a reward for two excellent tee-shots), Paul Osbourne (12th) and Sean ‘Bruno’ Kennedy, (15th). It was great to see Matt Maloney post his best score of 32 since he has joined the club. Take encouragement from that effort Matthew, and 3 golf balls.