The Odd Couple at The Comedy Theatre

The Odd Couple. Picture: SUPPLIED

The Badin theatre.

Jimmie the Beatle

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Beatles tour of Australia in 1964 with the world premiere production of Jimmie the Beatle written and directed by Tim Byron.

Jimmie Nichol is best known for sitting-in for Ringo Starr in the Beatles (when Ringo became ill with tonsillitis and was hospitalised on June 2, 1964) for eight concerts of the Beatles 1964 world tour during the height of Beatlemania.

The Beatles, especially George Harrison wanted to postpone the tour, but then the manager Brian Epstein after a frantic phone call decided to use drummer Jimmie Nicol to temporarily replace Starr.

Jimmie drummed with the Beatles in Denmark, Netherland, Hong Kong and Australia.

This elevated him from relative obscurity to worldwide fame and then back again in the space of a fortnight.

Season: June 13 – 23.

Comedy at The Basin

Your night will be guided by the hilarious engagement of the MC Kelsey De Almeida as he introduces the three comedians, Nick Schuller, David Rose, Ivan Aristeguieta, for a night of

laughs to warm you to the core.

Season: Saturday June 29 at 8pm.

The 1812 Theatre

Radium Girls

Presented by Centrestage Youth Theatre.

In 1926, radium was a miracle cure, Madame Curie an international celebrity and aluminous watches the latest rage, until the girls who painted them began to fall ill with a mysterious affliction.

Season: July 2 – 13.

The Comedy Theatre

The Odd Couple

By Neil Simon. A story of two divorced msn who flat together.

One is an extreme fusspot while his roommate is a complete slob.

Starring Shane Jacobson as Oscar the slob and Todd McKenney as Felix the fussy one.

A great production.

Shane Jacobson and Todd McKenney were terrific in their roles and some of their scenes were a picture.

Upstairs were two English girls, played by Lucy Durack as Cecily and Penny McNamee as Gwendolyn. Oscar introduces them to Felix except he got the names mixed up.

The two girls added to the high standard of the evening and gave first class performances.

The show opened with Osar’s friends playing poker.

This scene also added to the standard of the production and each player caught the feel of his character.

Shane Jacobson and Todd McKenney were perfectly cast for their roles and this is a show not to be missed.