70 wonderful years

70 wonderful years for Cliff and Nance.

By Kath Gannaway

For Healesville couple Cliff and Nance Mclaine shared interests and a beautiful family have contributed to 70 wonderful years of marriage.

The couple, Cliff 92 and Nance, 91, met when he was 18 and she 17 at a dance at Box Hill Town Hall and were married on 17 July, 1948.

They have been dancing ever since – both ballroom and line dancing.

Shared interests including tennis, bowling, water-skiing, caravanning around Australia, travelling the world, and of course their family.

Cliff and Nance lived in Toolangi for most of their married life, raising their daughters Sheryl and Jennifer, and welcoming over the years a beautiful tribe of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Speaking at a family celebration on 15 July, Sheryl said they could not have had a happier childhood or better parents.

“Our home was filled with love, happiness and fun,” she said.

She said her parents worked hard to provide everything they needed but said life on the farm was very tough at times.

“If the potato crop failed we would have no money that season. Even though we didn’t have electricity until I was about 15, we were very comfortable.

“Mum and dad would always have a warm and cosy home,” she said recalling playing Chinese checkers and sitting in front of the fire, Cliff knitting his own work jumpers and both of them doing embroidery.

Cliff and Nance received messages from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and local MPs Tony Smith and Cindy McLeish congratulating them on 70 years of marriage.

Most important of all were the wishes of family and friends at their anniversary lunch.

Sheryl said they are all so proud of Cliff and Nance. “They have instilled their values in all of us and have made us who we are today,” she said.

Nance and Cliff said of what is by any measure a wonderful achievement … “We’ve had a lovely time”.