By Derek Schlennstedt
After 12 months of fighting breast cancer one of Healesville’s very own is facing yet another debilitating battle with cancer.
On Friday 21 April a fund-raiser is being held for local Healesville woman Sandra Donkin at the York on Lilydale.
The night aims to raise money for Sandra who was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in February last year, and then with a recurrence in December.
After months of treatments, complications and infections, Sandra and her family now face the harsh reality of revisiting the ‘rollercoaster ride from hell’ which her daughter, Jessica, describes as being the last 12 months.
It hasn’t just been cancer – Sandra has also battled with numerous complications, including septicaemia, cellulitis, bilateral carpal tunnel and a variety of dangerous infections.
Speaking to the Mail after undergoing a pain management treatment Sandra says that if it wasn’t for all the other complications it wouldn’t have been so hard, and heartily says that she would have been able to cope with just cancer treatment.
“If it had just been the cancer treatment it wouldn’t have been so bad,” she said.
“But trying to deal with heart damage from septicaemia which makes you weak, pain from chemo, and then carpal tunnel which keeps you up all the night.
“All this on top of cancer makes it extremely difficult.”
The 54-year-old single mother of two has been unable to work since February last year and medical expenses have continued to add up.
As a result of the expensive medical treatments Sandra now also faces losing her house.
She says that despite trying to work while receiving treatment she was in hospital more than she was at home, and adds she feels guilty having her 18-year-old son Jake help look after her.
“I became completely unviable … at the beginning I tried to work part-time, around the treatments, but I was in and out of hospital … I was spending more time at hospital than anywhere else.
“It’s been hard on him, Jake’s running around the house, helping me get to my appointments, he’s become a carer and I’ve felt awful that I was damaging him in a way – you don’t want to put that stress and psychological strain on your child if you can help it,” she says.
The fund-raiser organised by close friend Sharon Bonanno aims to raise money to relieve some of the financial stress around the possibility of losing her house.
Sharon says that after seeing the impact it has had on the family financially and emotionally she couldn’t stand by without helping and invites everyone to come along to support Sandra.
“l’m in desperate need of doing anything to help my dear friends journey a bit smoother and take the constant worrying away so Sandra can concentrate on her health and mental status,” she says.
“Everyone is welcome; the fund-raiser will be a great time … there will be bingo, disco music, raffles, prizes, and karaoke.”
Since being diagnosed with cancer, Sandra has battled with septicaemia; a blood poisoning infection that required emergency surgery and the removal of her gall bladder.
Her 25-year-old daughter Jessica says the entire ordeal and resulting conditions has left her mum ill and financially stressed.
“Conditions have included fluid around the heart, a dysfunctional heart valve due to infections and chemotherapy treatment, carpal tunnel, fatigue, and general weakness.
“All the complications have left her overwhelmed with ill health and high stress levels due to financial burdens,”
The fund-raiser ‘Sandra’s night’ will be held at 7.30pm on Friday 21 April, at the York on Lilydale function room.
Everyone is welcome and Sharon invites any donations big and small.
To buy a ticket or donate contact Sharon Bonnano at jsasph@gmail.com