Call for farm, not bush

A school group visiting Haining Farm in 2006. 165684_01

By Kath Gannaway

The Yarra Waterways Group (YWG) is petitioning the State Government to keep Haining Farm in Don Valley as a working, education-focused dairy farm.
Under plans to extend the Yellingbo Conservation Area the farm, run by Parks Victoria, would be revegetated to provide habitat for wildlife.
The group say they have overwhelming support among Don Valley residents to keep the 157-acre property, which was donated by Sir John Reid to the Victorian Conservation Trust in 1974 for the purpose of giving city children a working farm experience.
YWG chairman, Rick Houlihan, said of the 155 homes presented with the petition, 91 per cent had signed, recording 224 signatures.
The petition calls on the minister to stop the planned redevelopment of the farm, restore it to the original purposes defined by Sir John Reid and transfer administration from Parks Victoria to the Department of Primary Industries.
It cites contravention of the legacy of Sir John Reid and escalating of fire risk to the local community as reasons behind the request.
Mr Houlihan said many people had expressed concern about the deterioration of the farm and felt it had potential to expand.
“Overwhelmingly residents want the farm to continue and a lot of people believe it presents an enormous opportunity for tourism,” Mr Houlihan said.
“Instead of just milking cows and sending the milk off for processing, some money could be spent on producing secondary products such as cheese here in Don Valley.
“People would also like to see all the other animals such as sheep and pigs, reintroduced so when people visit they can see what the farm was like.”
Mr Houlihan said school visitation had dropped off over the years because the farm had become run-down.
The petition will be presented to the Member for Eildon, Cindy McLeish, to present to parliament.