By Jesse Graham
TALENTED Upper Yarra photographers will have their works presented in the Upper Yarra Community Enterprise’s annual calendar, with a record number of snappers putting their work forward.
The My Place, My Community photo competition saw 120 entries from photographers, capturing places and people from the Upper Yarra community for a chance at being featured in next year’s calendar.
The winners for the 2017 calendar were announced on Wednesday 7 September, at the Upper Yarra Arts Centre, with Angela Rivas taking out the Judges’ Choice award for her photo Burn Off Lil’ Joe.
Community development worker Suyin Chan said there was a record number of entries, with a record 26 entries from people under 18 and a third record of 1852 votes for the people’s choice award – which was won by John Bramley’s Lyrebird Display.
“We had a really diverse range of people this year, a lot of new people, which was great,” she said.
“I think why it’s appealing is because anybody can enter – you don’t have to be a professional photographer.
“It can be a photograph you’ve taken on one of your walks, or somewhere you’ve been in the Upper Yarra – that’s them saying, ‘This is what I like about my community’.”
Ms Chan said the 2017 calendar will be the fifth edition, and that it sells out “within two weeks”, despite thousands of copies being printed.
“You’ve got to get in early,” she said.
The 2017 calendar will be available from the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank branches from November.
Entries to the photo competition will be on display at the Upper Yarra Arts Centre until 20 September.