Space to play and get fit

Maria McCarthy with work on the Lilydale Lake Playground. 158741 Picture: ROB CAREW

By Derek Schlennstedt

Construction is underway at Lillydale Lake with the current play space set to receive exciting new features which will appeal to people of all ages and all abilities.
The play area is undergoing an improvement in facilities that is looking to make the play space more user-friendly for parents, children, fitness enthusiasts and people with disabilities.
The new play space will feature a range of new and exciting play equipment including exercise and fitness equipment, a reeds maze, increased seating, shade and shelters and even a splash pad that will allow users to cool down during the hot summer months.
While Lillydale Lake is a popular space to catch Pokemon, it’s also popular with fitness enthusiasts and families who are enjoying a day out.
Yarra Ranges Councillor Maria McCarthy said that the project aimed to update the play area and make the space more accessible for the elderly and those with disabilities, as well as making it more engaging for children and adults.
“There will be seating there that can suit wheelchairs, there will be opportunities for parents and grandparents to play with their children, so it’s looking to be a really great play area,” Cr McCarthy said.
“There is also a new friendship swing, where the parents get to sit on one side of the swing and the child on the other and they can swing together,” she said.
Work began in early September and is set to be finished by Christmas.
The construction comes following successful advocacy efforts by the Yarra Ranges Council which saw the state government’s growing suburb fund contribute 1 million to the project, in addition to the council’s contribution of $400,000.
Council officers undertook extensive consultation work with the community and many local schools helped to create the scope of the project.
Some of the suggestions included space which complimented the natural aesthetic around the lake to ensure that it suits the area.
“There’s some great element’s which will mimic the environment, there will be an area that looks like the rushes where the birds nest so kids can walk through areas which look like that, it will be a very family friendly, adult friendly space,” said Cr McCarthy.
This new play space isn’t the only new project with the addition of a new accessible change room for people with significant mobility issues and new storage areas for Canoeing Victoria being built too.
The new play space is looking to provide a fantastic space for family time, child play, community interactions and physical health and fitness health opportunities all in the one spot.