Boomerang bags made to go ’round

IGA Store owner Shane Wyles and customer Lachlan Train are supporting the Boomerang Bag Amnesty. 156502 Picture: ROB CAREW

THE folk behind Plastic Bag Free Warburton want to see a little more bounce in their Boomerang Bags.
Hundreds of the hand-made cloth bags have been released into the community, but they are so desirable, they’re just not boomeranging back to the supermarket and other shops quickly enough.
Organisers are hoping a Boomerang Amnesty will see the bags stacked high again so there will always be an alternative to plastic bags for shoppers in Warburton.
PBFW say plastic bag use had decreased in the town over the last two months and the project was doing great, but they needed to share the love.
“We need these bags back in service for this great idea to work,” she said.