A credit to their communities

Bank director Sarah Ward, left, with scholarship recipients Sarah Bamford, Zak Gilsenan and Chelsea Barnard. 151219


FOUR students from the Upper Yarra area have received a great boost to their education through scholarships under the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank branches scholarship program.
Chairman Peter Kimberley said the scholarships go to students with diverse academic interests and the potential to change their own community, and the world.
Sarah Bamford from Warburton will commence a Bachelor of Nanotechnology at La Trobe University; Chelsea Barnard, also from Warburton, will commence a Bachelor of Nursing at Australian Catholic University; Zak Gilsenan, from Big Pats Creek, will commence a Bachelor of Global Studies/Commerce degree at Australian Catholic University; and Brigid Peeler, from Millgrove, has enrolled in a Diploma of Specialist Make-up Services at Victoria University.
All four students had demonstrated that financial assistance would help ease the demands of travel and accommodation expenses incurred in studying away from home – a common challenge for youth in the valley – and were acknowledged for their demonstrated need, academic merit and community involvement.
Mr Kimberley said the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank branches were proud of their long-term commitment to advancing the level of academic achievement in the community as an important element in building a resilient and prosperous Upper Yarra community.
“Every year we see a similar theme in the applications. It’s expensive to attend university, especially if you have to relocate because daily commuting is not an option,” he said.
“We want the young members of our community to know there is help available when it comes to continuing their education.
“We especially want to help those that might not be able to study at all without the support of a scholarship.”
Fellow bank director, Sarah Ward, also a past Ian De la Rue Youth Initiative award winner through the bank, commented on how much the scholarship program had grown in recent years.
“The number of applications we receive really shows how much value this program brings to youth in the community,” Ms Ward said.
“In a few years we will see university graduates bringing their new skills and knowledge back to the community – that is great for everyone.”
Ms Bamford said in her application that a scholarship would be a dream come true.
“It would turn my university dreams into an achievable reality,” she said.
For further information on the program contact the Warburton or Yarra Junction Community Bank branches or visit http://upperyarra.net.au/youth/scholarships/