Whacking the plastic

Backing the boomerang bag project are sisters, Sadie and Matilda with their mum Jess Baillie, Peter Lorback and Jeff Wilmott. 148957 Picture: ROB CAREW


PLASTIC Bag Free Warburton has received a huge boost to their campaign with a funding grant of $15,000 from the State Government’s Litter Hotspots Program.
Group members met last week to consolidate many of the projects they have been working on including school education, working with retailers and making shopping bags available at the local IGA supermarket.
The funding, awarded to the Upper Yarra River Reserves Committee of Management who auspiced the grant on behalf of the group, was announced in December by Northern Victoria Region MP Jaclyn Symes.
“This project is all about further enhancing and protecting the local environment of Warburton and it’s great to see many local groups linked into this project,” Ms Symes said.
Plastic Bag Free Warburton co-ordinator Michelle Fisher said the group was thrilled to receive the funding.
She said one of the main projects was making ‘boomerang’ bags which they will make available to the supermarket for people who forget to take a bag along.
They will then return it on their next visit.
“This (funding) basically allows more time to engage with the community and it also recognises that the community is behind us,” Ms Fisher said.
“We have received so much support from other local groups and retailers and from Yarra Ranges Council and the State Government.”
Regular sewing workshops are planned throughout the year and people are invited to try their hand at making alternative bags.
The group also meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at the Warburton Community Space and are open to all community members.
For more information about projects and meetings, phone Michelle Fisher on 0428 842 243, or email michelle@massagebytheriver.com.au