Second ‘last resort’

Minister for Emergency Services Jane Garrett with, from left, Brigade Captain Adam Pelling and president, Brian Halit and Emergency Management Commissioner, Craig Lapsley, at the opening. 148480_01 Picture: KATH GANNAWAY


THE Upper Yarra has a second ‘last resort’ Community Fire Refuge, and Wesburn-Millgrove Fire Brigade has a modern, functional fire station, with the opening of a dual-purpose facility at Millgrove on Sunday.
The $1.6 million building, on the site of the previous fire station, was officially opened by Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett.
Emergency Management Commissioner, Craig Lapsley, Yarra Ranges Council O’Shannassy Ward representative, Cr Jim Child, and brigade Captain Adam Pelling, assisted as Minister Garrett unveiled the official plaque before a gathering of around 100 people.
Brigade and community members were joined by federal and state MPs, Yarra Ranges Council and CFA representatives, neighbouring brigade captains and representatives of Emergency Management Victoria, DELWP, SES, the police, builders, Hay Constructions, and the Millgrove Fire Refuge Community Working Group.
The Upper Yarra, recognised as the highest rating bushfire-prone area in Victoria, has another fire refuge at East Warburton.
The Millgrove refuge is designed to withstand the most severe fire conditions, protecting people who are unable to leave the area from radiant heat and embers.
It will be activated if fire is threatening the community and there was a strong message on the day, that it is a last resort.
Minister Garrett said the facility was a vital addition to one of the state’s most fire-prone areas.
“The new station is a major boost to the brigade’s dedicated group of volunteer fire-fighters, while the Community Refuge provides an emergency shelter in the event of significant fires in the area,” she said.
“The refuge is a last resort option only,” Minister Garrett emphasised.
“The safest option is always to leave a high-risk bushfire area well before a fire front approaches.”
EMC Craig Lapsley said Victoria led the way in the provision of fire refuges and spoke of the collaboration between EMV, CFA and Yarra Ranges Council (YRC) in establishing the shire’s three Community Fire Refuges.
The Ferny Creek Refuge was opened two years ago.
He commended his team at EMV, members of the Refuge working group for Millgrove and the team from Yarra Ranges Council saying it was not an easy process.
He spoke of the history, following the tragic bushfires of 2009 and the Bushfire Royal Commission with discussion ranging from whether to establish Refuges to what the message should be.
He said, ultimately the vision was “let’s champion them here in Yarra Ranges”.
On Sunday, 20 December, the local community will get to look over the new facility and enjoy a day of fun activities with and open day around the theme “Fire Station Celebration” from 10am to 2pm.