THE BUREAU of Meteorology has issued a Fire Weather Warning across the state, with an Extreme Fire Danger Rating issued for the Marysville area.
At 4.04pm on Tuesday 24 November, the BOM issued the warning for the whole of Victoria for Wednesday 25 November.
The warning said Wednesday would be hot, with “fresh to strong and gusty” north-to-north-westerly winds developing in the morning, before a cool south-westerly change in the afternoon and evening.
Isolated showers and thunderstorms are listed for the cool change, as well as raised dust in the north-west of the state in the afternoon and evening.
In the North Central forecast district, which includes Marysville and its surrounds, a Fire Danger Rating of Extreme is listed for Wednesday.
The Central district, which encompasses the Yarra Ranges, has a Fire Danger Rating of Severe.
The day will be a day of Total Fire Ban for both areas.
According to the CFA’s website, in a day of Extreme Fire Danger, “If a fire takes hold, it will be uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast-moving.”
“Consider staying with your property only if you are prepared to the highest level,” the website reads.
“This means your home needs to be situated and constructed or modified to withstand a bushfire, you are well prepared and you can actively defend your home if a fire starts.”
The BOM warning asks residents to action their Bushfire Survival Plans, and monitor fire and weather situation through local radio, cfa.vic.gov.au, bom.gov.au and emergency.vic.gov.au.
In an emergency, always call triple-zero (000).