PARKS Victoria is calling on residents to dob in rubbish dumpers, after a heap of rubbish – including someone’s wheelie bin – was dumped off of Don Road earlier this month.
A Healesville resident contacted the Mail earlier this month, reporting that a large amount of rubbish had been dumped off of an embankment on Don Road, at Malleson’s Lookout.
At the site, a wheelie bin, boxes, plastic bags full of rubbish, and buckets were seen dumped down a steep embankment, with a pillow seen dangling from a tree branch.
A Parks Victoria spokesperson said dumping was an “ongoing issue”, and that clean ups put staff and the environment at risk, as well as costing taxpayers thousands of dollars.
The spokesperson said dumping carried instant fines of $303, with fines of up to $1700 for asbestos or hazardous material dumping, and that those caught could also end up in court.
“Parks Victoria works very closely with Victoria Police and local government to identify rubbish dumpers and prosecute offenders,” they said.
“Anyone who observes rubbish dumping within the Yarra Ranges National Park should note details such as vehicle registrations, description of persons involved, the time, date and place of the offence and then report it immediately to Parks Victoria on 13 19 63.”

Yarra Ranges Council Environment and Engineering director Mark Varmalis said the dumping was reported to the council, but was on Parks Victoria land.
Mr Varmalis said residents should make use of council services like rubbish, recycling and green waste kerbside collections.
“We also have a hard waste collection and combined bundled branches and hard waste each year,” he said.
“The council will investigate reports of dumped rubbish on our land and will not hesitate to fine or prosecute anyone found littering.”
A post on the council’s website, put up earlier in the month, said that frequently-dumped items – fridges, washers, cardboard and metal – can be taken to rubbish tips to be recycled for free.
Anyone who may have information on the rubbish dump is asked to call the EPA on 1300 372 842 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.