School campaigns for new signs

Kate Russell and Cindy McLeish are hoping the petition and mail-outs prove ti parliament the community want these signs 146265 Picture: VICTORIA STONE-MEADOWS


STATE MP Cindy McLeish paid a visit to Woori Yallock Primary School to help them have electronic 40km/h signs installed out the front of the school.
The school has been campaigning to have the flashing signs installed along the Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road for many years.
The state-wide guideline for a school speed zone to have electronic signs installed is 20,000 vehicles a day need to use the road.
At the time of last testing by VicRoads moment, approximately 2500 vehicles are using this section of Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road per day.
VicRoads have stated the road is not busy enough to warrant the installation of the electronic signs and instead installed larger static speed signs as a compromise.
“The new signs were installed in mid-sepetmber but have made no observable change in behaviour from divers who continue to speed through the 40 zone,” School Council President Kate Russell said.
Cindy McLeish picked up petitions and mail outs from the school with 200+ signatures from people in the community asking for the flashing signs on 16 October and has taken them to parliament for consideration.