No, no – it’s not the ATO



POLICE are urging everyone in the community to be weary of unsolicited phone calls after a phone scam pretending to be from the Australian Tax Office has shown up in the Yarra Valley.

Consumer Affairs Victoria has also issued a warning for people to be wary of phone calls from scammers claiming to be from the ATO.

The scam reportedly hit 50 people in the Melbourne suburb of Manningham on Friday 11 September, threatening them with arrest over non-existent tax-fraud and tax-evasion.

Mail reader Janine had two messages left on her answering machine in consecutive days and is concerned other people might fall for the scam.

The aggressive call incorrectly tells people they are being contacted by the ATO and have committed tax crimes and there is legal action being taken against them.

Typically, the scammer makes contact by phone, threatening the person who takes the call with arrest, legal action or even imprisonment if they do not make a payment for a ‘debt’ they owe the ATO.

The person is pressed for credit card details and other personal information, or to make a payment via wire transfer.

There is also a variation of this scam that involves the scammer calling and telling a person the ATO owes them money, then requesting an ‘administration’ or other type of fee to secure their refund.

Consumer Affairs would like to remind people the ATO will never cold call about a debt, or threaten jail or arrest.

If you do receive a phone call such as this it is recommended you hang up immediately, ignore any phone messages and do not return them and never give out personal information, such as credit card details and bank account numbers.

To check the authenticity of a phone call from the ATO, please call the ATO switchboard on 132 869.

The Mail recorded a phone message from one of the suspected scammers – to listen to a recording of the message, click below.