Mayor speaks out on media coverage


By Peter Douglas

YARRA Ranges Mayor, Cr Maria McCarthy, has hit out over recent media coverage related to council’s child-care reimbursement allowances.
The coverage in question relates to Cr Fiona McAllister’s successful bid to obtain an extra $1094 in reimbursements for childcare services, which was approved unanimously at council’s September 8 meeting.
This is in addition to the $8000 already available to Yarra Ranges councillors.
The council decision gained significant coverage throughout local and metropolitan media outlets, including print and radio.
There has also been heavy social media response, most of which has been negative.
However, Cr McCarthy, in an open letter to ratepayers, said the allowances are in place for good reason.
“These attacks and the media’s role in encouraging them does a massive disservice to councillors right across Victoria, who tirelessly work to make their communities better places for everyone,” Cr McCarthy said.
“The role of local councillor is a demanding one.
“It involves being available for our community not just during business hours, but during evenings and weekends.
“Many councillors juggle their councillor duties with family and carer responsibilities, full-time employment and volunteer community roles.”
In her address, Cr McCarthy highlighted the Local Government Act allows for councillors to be reimbursed for expenses they incur when undertaking their council duties, including childcare.
However, Cr McCarthy did add the coverage may have “highlighted a potential inconsistency with our policy approach”, but insisted this was an issue for the entire state, not just Yarra Ranges.
To view the open letter in full, visit
The Mail contacted Cr McAllister, who didn’t wish to comment further on this issue.