Sandra’s yellow hope

Sandra Coulson is gearing up for Daffodil Day. 142976_02 Picture: ROB CAREW


SANDRA Coulson from Woori Yallock is one of thousands of Victorians who get behind the Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day every year.
Sandra started as a volunteer in Lilydale. When she mentioned to organisers that there was no stall along the Warburton Highway, they gave her the job.
Sandra and supporters have been regulars at the Yarra Junction shopping centre for several years now and look forward to meeting their regulars, and meeting new people.
They will get their daffodil merchandise from the Cancer Council very soon, in time to have a well-stocked stall on Friday, 28 August.
Sandra said while some people buy a teddy, soccer ball, pen, keyring or other item because they want that particular thing, most buy to support the cause.
“They either have a member of the family, or a friend who had unfortunately been touched by cancer in some way,” she said.
“A lot of people just put in a donation, which is wonderful, and most have a story to tell.
“It’s so lovely to see them when you have seen them the year before – they share what they have been going through, perhaps someone they have lost, or how wonderful a support group has been.
“I would say the majority of people have been, or are, affected by cancer.”
For more information on Daffodil Day visit or call 1300 656 585.