Salvos warns bogus collectors doorknocking

Bob Burgess and Rhyannon Dixon at Healesville's Red Shield Appeal. Legitimate collectors will have identification and numbers to contact. 141987 Picture: KATH GANNAWAY


HEALESVILLE’S Salvation Army is warning residents that phony collectors are making their way around town, posing as representatives to steal money.

Lieutenant Sarah Eldridge told the Mail earlier today (Monday 20 July) that friends had reported people posing as Salvation Army collectors going door-to-door, asking for money.

“I called the head office, because occasionally they do campaigns – although they usually tell us about it,” Ms Eldridge said.

“They have confirmed there have been a number of people who have stolen red shield appeal stuff from down the line, and they’re going to various places and collecting on behalf of the Salvation Army – but they’re not.”

“Always ask for ID from collectors who are collecting – if they’re from a reputable charity, they’ll have a proper ID which will be signed and have contact numbers you can check on.”

Ms Eldridge said the organisation did not run door-to-door campaigns, with the exception of the Red Shield Appeal in the last two weeks of May.

She said the only registered, regular collector, was based outside of the Healesville Jewellers most days of the week, but no door-to-door collectors were legitimately part of the organisation.

If residents are unsure of the identity of people approaching them and asking for money, Ms Eldridge said they could ask for identification.

“Always ask for ID from collectors who are collecting – if they’re from a reputable charity, they’ll have a proper ID which will be signed and have contact numbers you can check on,” she said.

If in doubt, always call the police on triple-zero.

“I don’t want people to be swindled from their money out of the goodness of their heart,” Ms Eldridge said.

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