Preschool marks gold

Yarra Glen Preschool current and former students, Oscar Knight, Ella Bain, Oliver Knight, Lucille Belford, Ellis Belford, Xavier Belford, Vincent Belford, Isabella Lynch, Harry Prewett, Charlie Prewett and Archie Brown with, adults, Anthony Knight, Tom Belford, teacher Belinda Hudson, Cherry and Katie Stewart, Janice Crowther and David Prewett. The preschool''s 50th birthday event and open day will be held on 25 July. 141612 Picture: JESSE GRAHAM.


YARRA Glen Preschool students, past, present and future are being called on to come to a special 50th birthday open day later this month.
The open day, to be held on Saturday 25 July, will feature a display of photos of every class to come through the preschool in the last 50 years, according to teacher Belinda Hudson.
“We’ve got face painting, we’re doing our normal enrolment process for children next year and in the future and have displays up around the room, regarding all of the children that have come through,” she said.
“There’re a lot of photos that don’t have children’s names added to them, so we’re hoping some past students and teachers come in and add names to them.”
Ms Hudson said the preschool had a high rate of “repeat offenders”, in former students sending their own children to the preschool later in their life.
“We’ve got about eight families at the preschool at the moment who were former students themselves, which is great to see.”
A teacher for the last 15 years, Ms Hudson said the preschool’s 40th birthday had been well-attended by families and former students, and that she was hoping the 50th would be even bigger.
The Yarra Glen Preschool open day and 50th birthday celebration will be held from 9am-noon on Saturday 25 July, at Anzac Avenue in Yarra Glen.
For more information, call 9730 1490.