Rapid course to new skills

Ethan tackling the rapids. 140184 Pictures: KATH GANNAWAY


TACKLING the rapids of the Yarra River at Warburton is just one of the challenges young people take on as part of the EACH Rebound Program.
Rebound facilitator Warren Turner and wilderness facilitator Shannon Grass took the group from the eastern suburbs and Yarra Valley on a swashbuckling ride down the river on Wednesday 27 May as part of the program that aims to build skills and confidence.
“Rebound is about learning about trust, safety and teamwork, and it builds transferable skills to take into everyday life,” Mr Turner said.
The Upper Yarra area is a great source of adventure activities with rock climbing and caving in the area also part of the program for the young adventurers.
“It gives local kids an opportunity to shine,” Mr Turner said, and they were certainly glowing as they celebrated conquering more than the challenges presented by the mighty Yarra.