Mixing it with Melba

Morris Maxwell, Daniel Johnson, Fiona McAllister and Lou Tickner are encouraging passionate Coldstream residents to help map out the project. 140398 Picture: JESSE GRAHAM


PASSIONATE Coldstream residents are being sought for a new committee to help organise a new project linking the town with the historic Melba estate.
The Melba Connection Project is being set up to establish a path that will connect the Gateway and Lodge parts of town with the Coombe Melba Estate.
The concrete path will feature nodes that may contain seating, lighting, artwork, story-panels or special horticulture related to Dame Nellie Melba and her estate in town.
However, the project is in its infancy, and Coldstream Voice and the Yarra Ranges Council are setting up a community information night from 7-9pm on Thursday, 18 June, at the Coldstream Community Centre.
At the evening, a sub-committee will be established, featuring local residents who are passionate about the project.
Coldstream Voice member, Morris Maxwell, said the project doubled as a connection between the housing and shopping areas in the town, which are currently not connected by a path.
Mr Maxwell said that passionate Coldstream residents were encouraged to come along and join the discussion and the sub-committee.
“We desperately need people from Coldstream to become interested,” he said.
Ryrie Ward Councillor, Fiona McAllister, said the project was a way to officially honour the town’s connection with Melba and the history surrounding her.
Coombe’s Lou Tickner said the project would help to beautify the town, and residents could have their say as part of it.
Ideas put forward by the council for some of the features of the walk include community artwork or commissioned public art, an interpretation of the avenue of hour, or the Melba Rose.
The Melba Connection Project was inspired by the conversations around the Coldstream Structure Plan and the council’s recently-released Issues and Opportunities Paper.
The Yarra Ranges Council expects a project plan will be released in 2015-’16, with development to take place over a number of years.
For more information, or to express interest for the sub-committee and the meeting, call Yarra Ranges Council’s Santha Press on 9294 6239.