Thanks for horse sense

ON Sunday 17 May, at 4.30pm, my son’s much-loved 33-year-old mare was found to be in a very nasty predicament.
She had slipped on some mud and ended up wedged against a pile of brush and vines, with her back facing down a slight slope, and she couldn’t get the traction she needed to gain her feet.
We wish to acknowledge the compassion and caring of Sarah Marshall (who has horses nearby), her family members and friends who proffered such valued help.
Sarah called the SES Rescue Unit and vet surgeon, Simon Bray, of Yarra Glen.
Without their combined knowledge and expertise, ‘Candy’ would not have been able to survive the stress and trauma she went through that night.
After many hours being immobilised, ‘Candy’ finally struggled to her feet amid a huge round of applause and cheering from the many people who had gathered hoping for a good outcome.
I am thrilled to report ‘Candy’ is now running around the paddock like a 20- year-old, especially when medication time comes.
My son and I wish to thank everyone who gave their time and effort to help and support ‘Candy’ and ourselves.
Dorothy Farmer,
Hoddles Creek