Time to exercise developing brains

Students' concentration can be greatly improved.

EIGHTY per cent of children with learning and behavioural difficulties have auditory processing issues as well as no self/body awareness?
Brain Gym and The Listening Program are two separate therapies that have the potential to dramatically improve a child’s learning, behaviour and auditory processing capabilities.
For the past nine years as an educational support staff member, Katharine King has worked with children who have various special needs.
Her goal is to help students develop a calmer and more receptive attitude towards learning and everyday life.
During this time, she has undertaken many PDs focusing on children struggling with their learning.
After successfully completing training in Brain Gym and The Listening Program, she screened herself and numerous children through the therapies, achieving consistent improvement in each case.
She believes these drug-free, non-invasive programs can deliver profound results, ultimately creating a calmer, more focused child who is more receptive to learning.
The Listening Program is based on the findings of Dr Alfred Tomatis.
It consists of a series of classical music modules which have been psycho-acoustically modified to stimulate the auditory system.
The listening, together with targeted Brain Gym movements, improves students’ concentration, attention, focus, social skills, stress levels and overall learning in a classroom environment by allowing them to hear, listen and perform more effectively.
Brain Gym is a gentle and energising program that includes movement to co-ordinate the brain and body for greater productivity and learning.
The program incorporates 26 targeted movements to help the individual integrate primitive reflexes and whole brain learning.
Children and adults learn exercises they can utilise throughout their lives.