FOR a small school, Gladysdale Primary School puts on a very big festival.
The Big Apple mascot at the school gate gives a clue to what’s on offer, with the whole community getting behind the celebration of the local apple harvest.
The Gladysdale Apple and Wine Festival is the school’s major fund-raiser and this year the funds will go towards a new playground designed to inspire the imagination and creativity of its 65 students.
“We get every family in the school involved, local businesses, many previous families and the wider community. It’s a joy to see,” principal, John Shackleton said.
“Our students help with all the preparation and then get involved on the day with some helping run stalls and others in the student talent competition.
“Today, they are helping with the packing up,” he said on Monday.
Mr Shackleton said with community service organisations such as the Red Cross, CFA and SES joining local businesses at the festival, it was a showcase for the whole area.