Anzac story well told

Year 11 History Student Tatum with actors Chris Palframan and Jean Goodwin in WW1 uniform at the Journey of Remembrance Roadshow. 137712_03. Picture: ROB CAREW.


UPPER Yarra Secondary College was represented at Anzac Centenary commemorations at the official opening of the Avenue of Honour commemorating WWI soldiers who died in WWI.
They also took part in Anzac Day commemorations at the cenotaph and through the Journey of Remembrance Roadshow.
Delivering speeches, laying wreaths and marching, students paid tribute.
College captain Jack Jenkinson in his speech said it was a time to reflect upon the selfless sacrifice that had contributed so greatly to Australia’s growth and prosperity throughout the past century.
He spoke of the Anzac spirit as “The emergence of the ideals of mateship and sacrifice that distinguish and unite all of us, irrespective of our own origins.”
The Remembrance Roadshow aimed to encourage Victorians to learn about their WWI history and research their personal connections to share stories.
Students were joined by Upper Yarra RSL members Dennis Reeves and Lorraine Green for the presentation which was a compelling exploration of the Anzac story through video, theatre and narrative.