Farmers in the loop


A RURAL Advisory Committee to be set up by Yarra Ranges Council will give farmers increased access to council, and a voice on rural matters.
The council will call for expressions of interest following endorsement at last week’s council meeting of the terms of reference for the RAC.
In March last year, farmers spoke out at the council’s Environment Strategy meeting, saying they felt they had no voice for their issues, that council was urban-focused and that they felt there was a disconnection between the farming community and the council.
The RAC aims to provide strategic advice on issues and initiatives relevant to the management and development of the rural sector in Yarra Ranges.
It will be chaired by a councillor and will include representatives of nine industry sectors – stone fruits, pome fruits, strawberries, nurseries and cut flowers, wine grapes, grazing, equine, forestry and rural service providers.
Two council officers and representatives of the Department of Environment, Water and Land Protection (DEWLP) and Melbourne Water will also be on the committee.
Cr Fiona McAllister said the RAC would respond to a demonstrated need.
“The need for this has come out of a void,” she said.
“I know our officers have tried hard to build those relationships, but there have been strong views from the rural sector and from different groups saying they lack the opportunity to engage with us at a strategic level, and on the ground.
“Hopefully, by being involved at strategic level, it will deliver real benefits and save time in the long run.”
Cr Jim Child said the group would meet four times a year and would be mutually beneficial for council and the rural sector.
“I think this would be good because you would get that direct input into council for those particular areas (of the industry) and could also feed back to the advisory group, so it’s a two-way street,” he said.