Anzac labour of love

GIVEN the extensive coverage the media has given to the Anzac Centenary over the past few months, it may seem untimely to broach this subject again.
However, we think it highlights an important point in relation to modern media.
One popular and valued letter-writer in the ‘Mail’ this week poses an interesting question: “How many dollars did the ‘Mountain Views Mail’ gain commercially from its very generous 14-page Anzac Day pre-promotion?”
Interestingly, this question is far from the first posed about the commercialisation of sacrosanct occasions, in particular surrounding Anzac Day.
Just ask the people at Woolworths.
As a media entity, we encourage a healthy level of cynicism, but always urge our readers to delve further.
The media coverage not only around this region, but nationwide, has been nothing short of first-rate.
It’s important to remember in many cases this coverage has been a labour of love.
And we think it’s important to remember the level of dedication and commitment it requires from those producing the content, which in many cases goes above and beyond.
Take, for example, the 100-page Anzac edition of the ‘Pakenham Gazette’.
Simply, this wasn’t something slapped together from a few old articles.
It can be lost that a production such as this took months and months of research, interviews, co-ordination and hard work.
But the result is one for posterity.
In fact, the production has been so well-received that one school purchased numerous copies, to be used as a reference for students.
Staff at the ‘Mail’, too, worked diligently to ensure such an important event was marked in the best way possible.
The ‘Mail’ worked hard to ensure the memory of these incredible Australians lives on, both in the present and for future generations.
For the die-hard journalists, it is sometimes a bugbear there is a financial imperative in any kind of media, and newspapers are certainly no exception.
But that’s the reality of modern media.
In any case, we like to think it was completed insightfully and compiled in a fashion that has honoured the memory of our region’s Anzacs.