Secrecy is disturbing

WHY the secrecy regarding the sale of the Warburton Caravan Park?
I think this is disgraceful behaviour by the council.
We’re told the matter was a ‘confidential item’ on their agenda.
‘Confidential item’ are weasel words: but meaning what?
Why can’t we know?
Is there something underhand going on?
Some corruption involved?
Or is it something they know would incur the displeasure of Warburton residents if revealed?
Why can’t we know why the UYCE is not a preferred tenderer?
What are the criteria for determining a successful tenderer?
And why can’t we know even that?
It disturbs me the proceeds of the sale will not be earmarked for the benefit of Warburton; but for the whole municipality.
After all, the caravan park was not started and developed by the whole municipality, but by the Warburton community.
Bill Power,