Crime stats on the rise


FAMILY violence and drug-related crimes continue to be a major concern in the Yarra Ranges, with statistics showing a rise in offences.
The Crime Statistics Agency last week released its annual data for last year, with the total offence count in the local government area breaking the 7000 barrier.
Among the most concerning, though, is the prevalence of family violence or family-related incidents, which has risen from 756 in 2010 to 1373.
Drugs-related offences followed suit.
Of particular note is the cultivation or manufacture of drugs, which rose from 21 counts to 63 last year.
This followed a major increase in drug-use and possession offences, rising from 267 in 2012 to 326.
While it’s important to remember these are only the reported cases, such statistics give an indication of the extent.
Crime Statistics Agency Chief Statistician, Fiona Dowsley, said the report offers valuable insight for the community.
“The Crime Statistics Agency’s goal is to make crime statistics available to the Victorian community in a clear and accessible way,” Ms Dowsley said.
Other areas of concern for law-enforcement and the community are sexual offences, with 234 recorded.
There were five homicide and related offences in the Yarra Ranges.
Meanwhile, over the same period, Cardinia Shire’s total offence count increased from 589 to 1222.
While in Murrindindi Shire, the count increased from 58 to 142.
Stateside, the CSA statistics show total offences were up 4.3 per cent, with the biggest area of concern being sexual assaults, which were up 9.5 per cent.
Robberies showed a significant downwards trend, plunging 11.1 per cent, from 2723 to 2421.
For further information on the statistics, visit