Storms clean-up help sought


AFTER the severe storms that hit the region on 28 February, Yarra Ranges has applied for National Disaster funding to help speed up the clean-up operation.
As it stands, council expects the clean-up to take at least a month.
The devastating storm left a trail of destruction around the Yarra Ranges, with council fielding hundreds of calls for assistance.
To add to the hefty clean-up task, the recent storm had followed on from two others, on 13 and 14 February.
These had also caused significant damage to roads in the Dandenong Ranges.
Yarra Ranges Director of Environment and Engineering, Mark Varmalis, said the scope of the clean-up operation should not be underestimated.
“Cardinia Reservoir received 87mm of rain during this (recent) storm, which damaged roads around the hills, including at Menzies Creek, Selby, The Patch and Kallista,” he said.
“Road surface was washed off, debris built up and there were blocked drains and culverts.
“There were also minor land-slips and a major land-slip in Gordon Grove, Menzies Creek.”
The storm also resulted in the tragic death of Eli Marnock, 2, from The Patch after a large gumtree fell on his family’s home.