Rubber hits the road

Organisers Greg and Jacqueline Sheppard with Lions Pride Holden Car Club president John O’Sullivan, from Upwey. Club members from around Victoria brought around 25 cars to the show last year. 136053 Picture: KATH GANNAWAY


ORGANISERS behind the annual Mountain District Car and Bike Show are gearing up for another great event in Healesville.
Monbulk couple Greg and Jacqueline Sheppard started the show nine years ago and have raised tens of thousands of dollars for local charitable organisations over that time.
The community benefit, and family atmosphere, along with the variety and quality of cars, bikes and trucks, have ensured it is a popular event not only with enthusiasts, but with the broader community.
Among the vehicles that regularly go on show are beautifully restored cars of all ages, work-weary trucks, chromed-up bikes and cars that have become a canvas for spectacular artwork.
This year is the ninth show and along with the vehicle displays and competitions, and Trade Alley, two live bands, The Infernos and The Might Kings, will be on stage.
There will be activities for the kids, and lots of food vendors, including fund-raising community groups providing food at affordable prices.
The show is on Sunday 22 March, from 10am to 3pm, at the Don Road Sporting Complex in Healesville.
Phone Greg or Jacqueline on 9737 2129 for more information.