Maternity services under-utilised

Ms Hamilton said Healesville mothers should be aware of services in their own backyard, such as those at Healesville Hospital. 105034

EASTERN Health is calling on residents in the Healesville area to be aware of services in their own backyard, with maternity services ‘under-utilised’ in the valley.
The organisation last week issued a release detailing their services in the Yarra Ranges for mothers and babies, including home visits from midwives and antenatal services.
The antenatal clinic at the Healesville and District Hospital is accessible for women in the 20-40 week period of their pregnancy.
Yarra Ranges Maternity Services manager Pauline Hamilton said that with doctor and midwife consultations at Yarra Ranges Health in Lilydale and services in Healesville, mothers-to-be had close-to-home services in the valley.
“This means that women can have regular antenatal appointments during pregnancy and following the birth of their baby closer to where they live,” Ms Hamilton said.
She said that while the antenatal clinic in Lilydale was very busy, Healesville’s services were “under-utilised.”
“It’s important that women and families living in the Yarra Ranges are aware of this service in their own backyard,” she said.
Eastern Health also offers pregnancy and postnatal exercise classes, support programs for vulnerable pregnant women, allied health services for babies and children, as well as playgroups and counselling services.
For more information, visit or call 1300 342 255.